About Us
Let Us Reunite is a volunteer led campaign asking the United States Government for travel exemptions to allow for families to reunify via the land border between the US and Canada. Its 2600+ members are representative of the Americans and Canadians who have been separated from their families and loved ones as a result of the March 21, 2020 border closure between the US and Canada.
Devon Weber. Founder. NYC & Montreal
Devon is a New Yorker currently living in Montreal with her French-Canadian husband and their 1 year old son. She has made a career working in politics and advocacy, most recently as Deputy Political Director at 32BJ SEIU. She has extensive experience with issue and policy campaigns at the city, state and federal level - including immigration reform, raising the minimum wage, expanding access to health care and paid family leave.
Devon arrived in Canada 6 weeks before the lockdown. Due to border crossing restrictions by both the US and Canadian governments, her son has not seen his American family since March 2020. She founded this campaign in the hopes of reuniting many families, including her own.
Cary. Co-Founder.
Silver Spring, MD & Ottawa
Cary lives in Silver Spring, Maryland apart from his partner, Mary, who lives in Ottawa, ON. He has spent 16 years in legislative and regulatory advocacy in financial services and has worked to shape bipartisan solutions for the delivery and receipt of payments.
Cary has not seen his partner, Mary, and family since February 2020, but plans to visit Canada under the committed couples exemption. He hopes to use his background in U.S. government relations so that many more families and loved ones can reunite.